Education and Learning

Câu 1 : Do you work or are you student?
 “Well, actually, presently I’m still a student. Although I already graduated from University for a bachelor degree but I’m now still attending master at Central Queensland University in Australia.”
  • Trong câu này, thay vì chỉ trả lời đơn giản là “I am a student.” thì hãy thể hiện khả năng sử dụng ngôn ngữ tự nhiên bằng cách sử dụng các Linking Phrases/Words. Những cụm linking các bạn có thể dùng để bắt đầu một câu trả lời có thể là :
OK then… Right, OK…
Alright… Well…
Well, you know… Well first of all…
  • Và hãy đừng dừng lại ở việc chỉ trả lời “Tôi là học sinh.” mà hãy phát triển nó ra ít nhất thêm 1, 2 ý nữa bằng cách nói đến việc mình đang học cái gì, học ở trường nào. Ở đây có một số từ vựng các bạn có thể áp dụng :
Graduate from Tốt nghiệp từ trường nào
Bachelor Degree Bằng đại học
Master Degree Bằng thạc sỹ
Attend + Class/Subject/School Tham gia học (Không có giới từ)

  • Nhưng cũng đừng đi xa quá, trả lời luôn là mình rất thích môn học này môn học kia, mình rất thích trường mình vì nhiều lý do… Các bạn chỉ nên dừng lại ở hai ý: Trả lời thẳng vào câu hỏi và một ý để làm rõ hơn cho câu trả lời của mình nhé.
  • Để ý thêm một chút sẽ thấy câu trả lời này gồm một cấu trúc ngữ pháp phức (Although..,) để được cộng điểm phần Grammatical Range.
 Câu 2 : What subject are you studying? 
“Well, you know, my major in University is International Business and now I’m pursuing Marketing for my Master degree.”
  • Tương tự như trên, mình cũng bắt đầu với một cụm Linking ( Well, you know)
  • Về từ vựng, một số từ vựng mình sử dụng về lĩnh vực học:

Major (n, v)
Example :
My major is English I’m majoring in English
Chuyên ngành
Pursue + Subjects Theo đuổi, theo học

  • Về câu trả lời, câu này bạn có thể kết hợp với câu 4, sau khi trả lời ngành học của mình xong, nói luôn lý do tại sao mình học ngành đó nếu bạn thấy câu trả lời của mình quá cụt và ngắn. Nhưng như câu trả lời trên kia thì cũng đã đủ rồi. Quan trọng là cách bạn nói như thế nào thôi.
Câu 3 : Why did you choose to study that? 
To be honest, I chose it simply because I have passion for it. As well as that, it’s practical and useful in getting a job coz many companies are interested in looking for the talented in Marketing, you know, to boost the images and brands of their company. So it can be said that, I will be given great opportunities if I become skilled in this area.”

  • Các bạn chú ý cách sử dụng Linking words trong câu trả lời (từ tô đậm)
  • Với câu hỏi Why? Hỏi về lý do, chắc hẳn bạn sẽ đưa ra trên 1 lý do nên việc biết và sử dụng những cụm Linking là rất quan trong, không những giúp bạn nói tự nhiên hơn mà còn giúp bạn câu giờ, có thêm thời gian suy nghĩ ý tiếp theo. Dưới đây là một số cụm Linking có thể dùng khi miêu tả ý thứ 2:

Another point which I could add is that On top of that I can also add that…
A second feature which I should mention is that… Also, I suppose I should say that…
As well as that… The second reason is…

  • Về cách trả lời, hãy nhanh chóng brainstorm ít nhất 2 lý do tại sao bạn lại chọn môn học đó (Passion + Easy to get a job). Trong đó hãy tập trung phân tích một lý do (Why is it easy to get a job?). Như vậy bạn sẽ không phải mất thời gian nghĩ ra nhiều ý để “fill” câu trả lời của mình nữa. Lúc này bạn cũng cho examiner thấy khả năng phát triển ý và cách sử dụng ngôn ngữ linh hoạt của mình.
  • Về từ vựng, một số từ vựng về lý do tại sao chọn ngành học này như sau:

–         practical = hands on –         highly regarded
–         become skilled in
–         the talented
–         to boost st
Thực tế Được đánh giá cao
Giỏi về, có kỹ năng về
Người tài
Làm tăng, làm nổi bật

Câu 4 : Do you like your University? 
Well to be quite honest, in general I would say that I’m having so much fun in my Uni and it’s awesome. I guess this is probably because I’ve met so many great and diverse people from different countries so that I have chance to experience multicultural environment. In addition to that, I’m kind of surprised about the campus’s atmosphere, you know, not a big campus but cozy and you can find any support just right there, nearby your side. And all the facilities, student service… pretty much different from those I got from my previous Uni, just like they broaden my mind.”

  • Các bạn chú ý cách sử dụng Linking words trong câu trả lời (từ tô đậm)
  • Với dạng câu hỏi này, hãy trả lời câu hỏi và đưa ra 2-3 lý do cho câu trả lời, vậy là ok. Câu trả lời có thể là Yes, No hay Both nhưng việc đưa ra lý do là rất quan trọng. Đừng chỉ ra lời Yes, I like hay No, I don’t like nhé. Hay một câu trả lời như thế này cũng sẽ không được đánh giá cao:

“Yes, I like my University because it’s beautiful”. Đúng là bạn trả lời và đưa ra được lý do thật đấy nhưng nó chả thể hiện được khả năng ngôn ngữ gì của bạn cả và vì thế, bạn cũng sẽ không được điểm cao cho câu trả lời này.

  • Hãy bắt đầu bằng những cụm Linking:

Well in general I would say that… Actually, I suppose that for the most part I’d probably say that…
Well, to be honest I should really say that… Of course I think I’d have to say that…
Certainly I would definitely say that… Well, I guess that generally speaking I would certainly say that…

  • Sau đó đưa ra lý do bằng các cụm:

And I guess this is probably because… This could be because…
This might be because… This is due to the fact that…
I suppose the reason has something to do with the fact that…

  • Các lý do thứ 2,3 các bạn có thể tham khảo các mẫu Linking như câu trên.
  • Một số từ vựng thay thế cho từ Like khi nói về việc bạn có thích hay không?

I’m fairly/pretty keen on… I’m really into…
I’m quite a big fan of… I simply adore…
I’m quite enthusiastic about… I generally prefer…

Những từ vựng này có thể sử dụng thay thế cho nhau và có thể dùng trong trường hợp câu 5.

Câu 5 : Is there anything you don’t like about your studies?
Of course I think I’d have to say that I’m not so into the size of class in my Uni which is too big and sometime I cannot stand staying in a classroom that I can barely hear a word of my teacher. As well as that, different accents of lecturers are really challenging, especially to those who are not good at English at the beginning like me. And the last one that makes me feel not totally satisfied about my studies is that some of my subjects I just have to take for the credits and that gets a little tedious sometime.”

  • Các bạn chú ý cách sử dụng Linking words trong câu trả lời (từ tô đậm)
  • Hãy nhớ rằng, khi bạn trả lời bất kỳ câu hỏi nào, các ý của bạn thật rõ rang là điều cực kỳ quan trọng. Phải chắc chắn rằng examiner biết được bạn đang nói mấy ý bằng cách bắt đầu bằng những từ chỉ đường (từ tô đậm). Ở trên mình nêu ra 3 ý rõ ràng và giải quyết từng ý một.
  • Nêu ý 1 (I’m not so into the size of class in my Uni which is too big.) + support kỹ ý 1 (Sometime I cannot stand staying in a classroom that I can barely hear a word of my teacher.)
  • Nêu ý 2 (Different accents of lecturers are really challenging.) + cụ thể ý 2 (Especially to those who are not good at English at the beginning like me.)
  • Nêu ý 3 (Some of my subjects I just have to take for the credits and that gets a little tedious sometime.)
  • Một số từ vựng:

credit tedious
be into sb/st
Tín chỉ Buồn chán, nhàm chán

Câu 6 : Which subject do you like the most? 
I guess I have to go for English. Probably because I am a big fan of American comedy so for some reasons, English comes easy to me and I think it reaches my full potential.”

  • Câu này tương tự với hai câu Liking phía trên, các bạn có thể xem lại.
  • Một số từ vựn:

go for I am a big fan of
st comes easy to sb
reach sb’s full potential
Chọn Thích, rất thích
Cái gì dễ dàng với ai
Giúp ai bộc lộ khả năng, tiềm năng

Câu 7 : Which subject do you think will be the most useful to you after you leave university?
“I suppose my English class will be the most valuable one left for my university time. You know, to access to another top-notch knowledge and skills and have a chance in a well – known foreign business. Probably, 90% of what I have learned I’ll never use though, I guess.”

  • Cách trả lời tương tự, đưa ra câu trả lời + lý do lý giải câu trả lời đó
  • Từ vựng

Access Top-notch
Tiếp cận Tuyệt vời
Nổi tiếng

Một số từ vựng khác về chủ để này các bạn có thể dùng cho câu trả lời riêng của mình. Các bạn hãy tự tra từ điển các từ này để biết nghĩa và cách đọc, cách phát âm của nó nhé. Hãy cố gắng đặt một câu với một từ, một câu có nghĩa nhé, không đặt đối phó!

  • Nouns

Schoolwork Branch of learning Field of study
Lecturer theory Extracurricular activities Faculty
Social skills Life skills Transferable Skills

  • Verbs

Revise Comprehend Succeed in Sit an exam
Skip classes Do badly in an exam Develop talents and interests

  • Adjectives

Job-related Theoretical Reputable Supportive
Highly regarded Compulsory Optional

  • Idioms

Pass with flying colours (= pass with a high score) I pass my entrance exam with flying coulours.
Sail through (= finish st. Easily and quickly) I can usually sail through all my assessments.
To flunk (= to fail/perform badly) I always seem to flunk my compulsory maths tests.
Cross that bridge when sb. come to it (= deal with a problem when it arrives) I’m not worried about that now, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Như vậy trên đây là tất cả những gì mình đã học ở chủ đề này. Sau khi viết câu trả lời cho từng câu hỏi và luyện tập, các bạn có thể hoàn toàn tự tin về chủ đề này rồi. Mong rằng bài viết và video của mình sẽ hữu ích với các bạn. Thank you so much and see you next time.


Lưu ý: Trước khi xem sample answer, các bạn bắt buộc phải xem video Chiến thuật trả lời Speaking Part 2 của mình để biết phương pháp trả lời. Toàn bộ các câu trả lời của mình sẽ đi theo phương pháp mà mình đã nêu và các bạn sẽ thấy Part 2 không còn quá khó như bạn vẫn tưởng
Topic: Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.
You should say:

  • Where you met him/ her.
  • What subject s/he taught.
  • What was special about him /her
and explain why this person influenced you so much.
1. One minute preparation

  • Minh- significant impact upon my study path- the most inspirational
  • Secondary school time – grade 6-8 – the same mathematic mentor- teaching methodology- theoretical and boring – never been a fan of math – number puzzle me- altered at grade 9- new teacher – more interesting- minh- the former retired
  • Iron woman- voice has authority, so powerful- glimpse at us- freak us out- teaching methodology awesome – engage students- get everyone involve in- hard theory into fluffy – hilarious story
  • Dedicated teacher- get exposed to her students – dedicate not merely teaching and learning at school- accompany activity- be out of the woods- family affairs – exemplary model – influential teacher.
2. Sample Answer
“I’m going to give a speech about my teacher who has a significant impact upon my study path. Her name is Minh whom I possibly regard as the most inspirational teacher ever within my life.
To get started, I might want to reach the situation in which I got to know her. Let’s get back a bit to my secondary school time. From the grade 6 to 8, we had the same mathematics mentor whose teaching methodology is totally theoretical and boring. To be honest, I had never been a big fan of math, if I don’t wanna say I have no idea of it. So anything related to number would definitely puzzle me. But everything’s apparently altered since grade 9. Minh was our new math teacher, believe me, she is much more interesting because the former one retired.
To continue the speech, I would love to mention what made her so special, I mean what made her “her”. Mrs iron woman, that’s how we address her.  Unlike other ordinary female teacher, her voice has  such a authority, I mean so powerful., just a glimpse at us from her would freak us out. Speaking of her teaching methodology, it was awesome. She knew how to engage her students and got everyone involved in. I Think She was so brilliant on turning the hard theory into the fluffy one by telling some hilarious story surrounding it.
Finally, If I still have time I would like to explain why she had a massive motivation towards me.  I can tell that she is a very dedicated teacher who always tried to get exposed to her own students as much as possible. What I mean by the word dedicate here is not merely teaching and learning activity at school anymore. It flourished upto accompany activity. She was the one to help me be out the woods in terms of family affairs. This iron woman is an exemplary model for being an influential teacher”
3. Vocabulary
Inspirational = influential (ad) :  có sức ảnh hưởng
Methodology(n): cách, phương pháp
Theoretical (ad): lý thuyết
Puzzle (v): làm khó
Alter(v) : thay đổi
has a authority (phrs):  có tiếng nói, có chức trách
glimpse (v): liếc
fluffy = silky (ad) : mềm mại
motivation (n): động lực
dedicated (ad): tận tụy
get exposed to (phrs): tiếp xúc vơi
flourish(v) : phát triển
be out the woods (idm): vượt qua khó khăn.
family affairs (phrs): chuyện gia đình
exemplary (ad): điển hình.

1. How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?
  • “Well, it can be said that my country went through numerous changes in education during the last 10 years including the government’s more fund allocation, more women enrolment in higher studies, changes in academic syllabus but the most significant change is the people’s mentality regarding the necessity of education. I mean compared to like 20-30 years ago when parents showed little interest in sending their kids to school, nowadays every parent invests in their children’s education. This is the very giant leap in terms of the advancement of our education, I think”

  • Từ vựng :

Allocation Sự phân phối
Academic syllabus Chương trình học
Mentality Tâm lý
Leap Bước nhảy

2. What changes in education do you foresee in the next 50 years?
  • “I think my answer would need to rely on my own experience and expectations mostly. My best guess is that, the education would be more practical than theoretical in future. Besides, the number of higher education institutes would increase by many-fold than the current number and probably computer based education system would replace many traditional ones and maybe online education would be very popular during that time. But whatever changes it will have, I hope those are all positive changes including 100% literacy rate, some of our universities are raking in the world’s best university list and we are renowned as a country of a very excellent place for education, maybe”

  • Từ vựng :
Many-fold Gấp nhiều lần, gấp bội
Renowned Nổi tiếng, lừng danh

3. How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
  • “Well, I think the expectations of school leavers nowadays are very different from the past. I mean, like 10-20 years ago, most of them wanna have a stable job, early marriage, early settlement. They had tendency to work in companies where their parents have position so quite passive in their choices of career but now youngsters are more ambitious, more career-oriented, more educated with higher degree pursuit, freedom in their choice of career. And a lot of school leavers today I know also tend to start up their own business, challenge themselves, some are willing to drop Uni to do that. I think that’s kind of risky decision but it’s worth for those who have strong ambition?”

  • Từ vựng :
Settlement Sự ổn định
Career-oriented Có định hướng nghề nghiệp rõ ràng

4. What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?
  • “Extracurricular activities sharpen the minds of students and enhance their creativity. Those are the balance between academic learning and pleasure time in terms of psychological. In terms of education, outside activities give students chance to enhance their living skills such as community sense, team-work and others, and they also deepen their understanding and also practice their knowledge. They also provide guidance for children to figure out what their passion or potentials are, you know, some students turn their hobbies in these activities in their later career and gain certain success, who knows, right?”

  • Từ vựng :

Extracurricular activities Hoạt động ngoại khóa
psychological Tâm lý học
community sense Ý thức cộng đồng

5. What method of learning works best for you?
  • “It depends, you know, I prefer to work in pair for the complex topics and subjects. When I study in a group I can discuss my views and learn opinions of others but when I do some literature learning, I prefer self-study, feel free to let my imagination to take off or discover new things and find out my own way to learn more effectively so anyway I think the best is to combine and continuously find out new ways to learn”

  • Từ vựng :
work in pair Làm việc theo cặp
self-study Tự học
take off Bay cao

6. How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?
  • I think allocating the same level of students for group study will have both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, it’s good for teachers to deliver the lesson and assess their levels more easily and the students also feel equal and less pressured than studying with more outstanding students which may make them suffer the lack of confidence. However, on the negative side, students can hardly feel competitive, you know, if learning with better ones, they may have motivation to perfect themselves, so I don’t know”

If you can answer this cue card, you should be able to answer the following topics as well :

1. Talk about a person from your childhood whom you still remember.
2. Describe a teacher from your school/college whom you want to meet.
3. Talk about your math/literature/history teacher from school.
4. Describe an old person who you admire.
5. Describe a subject taught in your school.
6. Describe a teacher who has helped you in your education greatly.
7. Describe an exemplary person from your home-town

 Keep trying because I will! Cheers!