Tổng kết Part 1 IELTS Speaking - Những lưu ý quan trọng

_ Personal Background ( Your job, your study...)
2. Trả lời ngắn gọn
_ Part 1 : trôi chảy,tự nhiên, ngắn gọn.
Trả lời bằng 2 câu
_ Trả lời thẳng vào câu hỏi.
_ Detail câu trả lời.
=> Cách detail :
2.1_ Đưa ra reason -> "Because"
Example : Do you like walking?
=> Yeah, I love walking because it helps me to refresh, re-charge and re-energize myself after a long hard working day. Besides, walking on daily basic also gets me into shape.
=> Nah, to be honest I'm not quite into walking because I often feel blue and time-consuming when just doing nothing but walk.
2.2 Especially/Particularly
Example : Do you like walking?
=> Yeah, I love walking, especially in the early morning when there is less traffic and therefore less air pollution.
2.3 Đưa ra ví dụ (For example...)
2.4 Nói về những thứ xung quanh đó (Mở rộng câu về địa điểm, thời gian...).
3. Sử dụng từ chết
_ Well, to be honest
_ Actually
_ I guess I would say it depends
_ I suppose I have to sat that
_ Well, to be honest, I suppose I have to say that
4. Cách phát triển ý cho một số dạng câu hỏi phổ biến.
4.1 Do you like?
_ Trả lời thẳng vào câu hỏi(có hoặc không) bằng cách paraphrase lại câu hỏi chứ không nhắc lại y nguyên.
_ Sử dụng những từ đồng nghĩa thay cho "like" : be into, be a big fan of, be keen on, be fond of, be interested in, love, prefer...
Example : Do you like animals?
Don't : Yes, I like animals/No, I don't like animals.
Do : Well, to be quite honest. I'm not really into animals.
_ Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời (1-2 lý do), nếu bí ý thì nghĩ đến 2 lý do này :
+ Refresh, relax...
+ Educate people (enrich, enhance, better, accumulate, cultivate + skill knowledge, experience...)
4.2 How often/ What types of
It depends 
4.3 Solution
+ Individual level raise people's awareness, educate people
+ Government/ Authority level : have suitable and appropriate policies to improve/better/enhance/forster.
5. Ý tứ rõ ràng
Firstly, secondly, thirdly... 
6. Practice a lot
_ Do you think studying English is formed by the path of learning by heart or have to require the learners an extreme intelligence?
=> You definitely don't need to have extreme intelligence to study a foreign language. Yeah, admittedly cleverness can help but it only decides whether you can study it quickly or not. Studying a language not just English required much of hard work rather than talent. Look at me, I'm not smart, I'm not clever but now I can speak English quite well  enough to be understood others. And no offense but look at Indian people, not all of them have extreme intelligence but almost all of them can speak English really well. However, don't just learn by heart learn by your heart, urn it into to your passion otherwise you'll get bored and give yourself an excuse to give up.
Resource Speaking