Describe a leader that you admire

Lưu ý : Trước khi xem sample answer, các bạn bắt buộc phải xem video Chiến thuật trả lời Speaking Part 2 của mình để biết phương pháp trả lời. Toàn bộ các câu trả lời của mình sẽ đi theo phương pháp mà mình đã nêu và các bạn sẽ thấy Part 2 không còn quá khó như bạn vẫn tưởng
Describe a leader you admire. You should say:

  • who this person is;
  • how you know this person;
  • what skills he or she has for leadership;
  • and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
1. Preparation in one minute

  • Binh – a famous leader of the VOVINAM martial arts – inspire me
  • Sophomore – choose one club to sign up for – not have intention of joining it – not have a taste in it – mom insisted on taking part in – obey – club manager’s introduction
  • brilliant speaking and listening skills – diplomatic spokesman of Vietnam- present coherently and nicely – everyone belief in him – listening skill- busy at work- spend 5 mins listening doesn’t matter
  • an elastic line – points – spot connecting – connect everyone – remain the club’s sustainability – devotions – influential, accomplished and dedicated.
2. Sample Answer
“I’m going to talk about a leader that I really look up to, who probably inspire me the most in my whole life. His name is Binh, a very famous leader of the VOVINAM martial arts in my Uni back to Vietnam.
To start off the speech, I would like to approach the context of how I got to know him. Everything happened when I was a new sophomore. As a first year student, everyone should choose at least a club to sign up for. So initially, I did not have any intention of joining VOVINAM club cuz I don’t have any taste in it if I don’t want I don’t wanna say I hate it. However, my mom, she always insisted me on taking part in that club with view to loosing my weight. So I had to obey her. But later it turned out that my determination wasn’t bad. And then on the meeting members date, I got to know him via the club manger’s introduction.
Moving on to the next point of skills he possessed for the leadership, I would like to highlight his brilliant speaking and listening skills. As a politician, more specifically, as a diplomatic spokesman of Vietnam, he had a sound speaking skill. Presenting his perspective coherently and nicely as one of the essences of his job, Binh successfully gained everyone’s belief in him and the club. Furthermore, it is of note that listening skill substantially helped him to be a leader in terms of feedback and other people’s stories. Even though he is really busy at work, spending five minutes listening to you doesn’t matter him.
Finally, if I still have time, I would like to talk about the reason why I assume that he is a good leader. I always tell with my parents that he is an elastic line and other club members are the points. Spot connecting is exactly what he trying to do to connect everyone as a team to remain the club’s sustainability. Upon all the devotions he got for the club, I just have three words for him: influential, accomplished and dedicated”
3. Vocabulary
Look up to: Ngưỡng mộ ai
Context: Bối cảnh
Sophomore: Sinh viên năm nhất
Sign up for: Đăng ký
Have intention of: Có ý định làm gì
Have a taste in: Thích cái gì
Possess: Sở hữu
Essence: Đặc điểm, tính chất
Elastic : dẻo dai
Sustainability: sức chịu đựng
Accomplished: thành công
Thank you for watching and I’ll see you next time!

1. Why do we need a leader?
“That’s a very good question. Why do we need a leader? We need leaders because without them, life would be chaos. Team leaders are essential in executing the vision and in setting the tone for the whole team. Leaders offer guidance to all members of the team to ensure they are fulfilling their roles. They are there to remain high morale and motivate other members by helping to instil a sense of confidence, creativity and creating an environment of cooperation between team members so that they work together to achieve team objectives instead of only fulfilling individual goals. Finally, they can serve as a role model for team members to ensure that they will act in a similar fashion of honesty and integrity in their activities, for example

  • Từ vựng :

Chaos Hỗn loạn
Execute Thực hiện, tiến hành
Vision Tầm nhìn, lý tưởng
Set the tone for Tạo nên hình ảnh, hình tượng cho cái gì/ai
Morale Tinh thần, nhuệ khí
Instil Truyền (lửu, tinh thần)
Role model Tấm gương tiêu biểu
integrity Tính chính trực, liêm chính
2. If you were a leader, and your teammates didn’t respect you, what would you do?

  • “Oh, really, well then to be honest, probably I’ll kick them out. Ask them why and if they’re still showing some kinds of cut throat attitudes, then there’s no doubt to say that I have to let you go coz you’re not my team player anymore. Kind of bossy, isn’t it? But I really hate people who’s trying to mess the whole team up. However, if the problem comes from me, that will be a different story and I really don’t wanna talk about that”
  • Từ vựng :

Kick sb out Đuổi ra khỏi một tổ chức/nhóm
Cut-throat attitude Thái độ khó chịu, gay gắt
bossy Hống hách, hách dịch
3. What do you think are the qualities of a good leader (or, a good decision maker)?
“Well, an effective team leader has a variety of traits and characteristics that encourage team members to follow him. A good leader needs to be confident in what he’s doing, needs to be charismatic to get people to trust them, need to possess integrity and fairness which means he does what he says he will do and treats others the same way he wants to be treated, need to be a powerful facilitator to ensure team members meet their goals and objectives more efficiently. And a quality leader also need to have perseverance and willpower, I think”

  • Từ vựng :

Charismatic Có uy tín
Facilitator Người trợ giúp
Perseverance Kiên trì
Willpower Nghị lực, ý chí
4. Do you think it’s important for parents to encourage the development of leadership abilities in their children? (Why?/Why not?)
“Well, it can be said that being a leader will help to bring out the best in someone which is good and necessary to be encouraged but only for those who have potential ability of becoming a great leader in the future because I think some people are cut out to be leaders and others aren’t. Forcing someone to develop leadership skills when they aren’t that type of person is not the right thing to do”

  • Từ vựng :
Be cut out to be st/so: Sinh ra để làm gì, trở thành ai
5. In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities?
“First of all, be a good example because somehow, parents also serve as leaders in their own family that their children can learn lessons along the way that significantly impact their potential leadership in their later life. Parents should set a good role model for their children to follow, try their best to understand their kids, not to order them around. Reward them for their hard work, for example, motivate and encourage them instead of spoiling and punishing for their mistakes. Parents should also trust their children to let them make decision because children often become overwhelmed by too many choices so this is a good way to help them self-control and practise decision making ability”
Thank you and keep trying coz I will 🙂